Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The many looks of Monster Round-Up

You have probably noticed that the look of Monster Round-Up is always changing. I am new to the blogger platform, but I want a blog that is my own. I don't want to just use one of the templates. I have been playing around with different things and each time I do I learn something new.

I really like the current look of the blog. However, there are still some things I will change. I want a better looking (and centered) header (anyone know how to get a image centered??) and the artwork of the monsters are far from my best (although I kind of like that it looks like a kid drew them..).  In other words, you can look forward to many more changes to my blog. Especially so, if I manged to get into the multimedia design program that I applied to.

If you have any tips or ideas I would love to hear them!